NIMHANS Hostel Rules and Regulations - 2022, as amended from time to time, shall apply to all the boarders/residents of NIMHANS Hostels for maintenance of discipline and good conduct on the campus. Supervision and control over the boarder/residents of the hostels vests in the Warden and Deputy Wardens. The day-to-day functioning of the hostels is looked after by the designated administrators. The terms and conditions laid down in the document have been duly approved by the Competent Authority.
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Accommodation in this hostel is only for female students of NIMHANS/female students visiting the Institute from other universities/colleges for short-term training.
The order of priority is as follows:
- Post-Doctoral Fellows(PDFs) with Fellowships from DST/DBT/CSIR/ICMR/AYUSH/ Other funding agencies after PhD Degree- Eligible for single room with attached bathroom facility according to seniority among PDFs based on the date of joining as PDF in NIMHANS.
- PhD Scholars – Eligible for single room facility. Senior PhD scholars (as per the date of admission to PhD course at NIMHANS) are eligible for single room with attached bath room facility.
- MPhil students are eligible for only single/double rooms without any attached bathroom facility. Second Year MPhil students are eligible for double room with attached bathroom facility according to seniority and availability.
- Students(Post MA/MSc/MPhil Degree) joined for Fellowship Courses in Epidemiology/Disaster Management/MPH course in Epidemiology are eligible for single/double room only without any attached bathroom facility.
- MSc students are eligible only for single/double rooms without attached bathroom facility
- Visiting students/trainees from other universities/colleges are eligible for rooms on a sharing basis subject to availability of rooms.
Hostel Contact:
Phone No: 080-26995092
Email ID:
© 2002 - 2025 NIMHANS, Bangalore-560029, India